Things are beyond you


  • Awe inspires the wish to let the object of awe shine. You want to stand back and observe.
  • Awe leads to greater cooperation, sharing resources, and sacrifice. It brings greater unity.
  • It allows you to value others, see yourself clearly, and evoke humility.


  • Wonder inspires the wish to understand.
  • You want to explore and learn. Wonder fosters your curiosity and adventure.


  • Curiosity is both a state and a trait. It is both an emotion and cognition.
  • You identify a gap in knowledge and commit to close the gap with your heart.


  • Interest is a cognitive state, not an emotion.
  • You want to engage with a topic mentally.


  • Confusion is like “optimal interest”. It is an epistemic emotion.
  • Your confusion can lead to deep learning, especially when you are not in comfortable learning environments.


  • Surprise is the short bridge between the heart and mind.
  • The interruption stems from information that does not fit your current understanding and expectations. The unexpected amplifies your emotion.