November 10, 2023

Reading: The Foundation Series, The New Trading for a Living, Galatians Exercising: Gym 2-3x per week (Push, Pull, Plank, Squat), Stretch Practicing: Trading system, good habits (e.g., sleeping early, limiting drinking, chewing food), darts Building: Trading business, a happy home, Enjoy the Process Studying: The New Trading for a Living, ICT 2022 Mentorship Listening: Green noise, White Noise,…… Continue reading November 10, 2023

Categorized as 2023

January 2, 2023

Reading: Money and Power, The Psychology of Money, 7 Habit of Highly Effective People (reread) Exercising: 30 days of morning yoga with Sean Vigue Practicing: Backtesting index futures, darts, good habits Building: Enjoy the Process Studying: ICT 2022 Mentorship Listening: n/a Writing: n/a

Categorized as 2023