The Letter of Robert to the New Jerseyians

I wrote this letter because I wanted to encourage and inspire a handful of people I knew. I wanted to succinctly document my theological learning and experiences over the past five years. I wanted to express the content in a familiar format so people can approach biblical letters with a renewed perspective.

Ideology of Technological Money

Introduction “Nothing is more persuasive and insidious than money.”[1] It impacts every person regardless of race, nationality, social status, or religion. And as globalization continues to grow, it is nearly impossible to discuss global trends without having a conversation about money. Simultaneously, technology has grown at blinding speeds. What was once defined as a tool…… Continue reading Ideology of Technological Money

Power of Money, Ideology of Money, our Response to Money

The three most important ideas presented in Jacques Ellul’s Money and Power, Craig Gay’s Cash Values, and Ron Sider’s Rich Christians in an Age of Hunger respectively are: 1) Christians ought to recognize the power of money before anything else; 2) Due to this power of money, it has formed its own ideology reshaping the…… Continue reading Power of Money, Ideology of Money, our Response to Money