You compare


  • Comparison is not an emotion, however it drives your feelings, affects relations, and your self-worth
  • You try to simultaneous fit in and stand out
  • You are often unaware of social comparison
    • Social comparison can happen both up and downward, usually leading to fear, anger, shame, and or sadness
  • Comparing is often a creativity killer
  • Comparison is inevitable, it happens to all of us. How you respond to comparison is your choice
    • Choose connection over comparison
    • You can also choose to “focus on your lane”


  • Social comparison that inspires you to be a better version of yourself


  • Is a subcategory of admiration
  • Reverence leads you to form a connection and a desire to move closer to the object of reverence
  • Usually leads to adoration, worship and veneration
  • Irreverent, is not having respect for what is official, important, or holy


  • When you want what the other person has


  • Resentment is “hidden envy”


  • Usually involves a third party, that threatens the connection you have with another person, not necessarily what they possess


  • Sha-din-froy-da, “meaning “harm joy”
  • Feeling joy from the suffering of others, usually stems from fear (e.g. Covid vaccine and anti-vaccine narrative)
  • Connected to envy, hostile and destructive emotion


  • Shared joy in the success of others
  • Shoy (active interest in asking personal questions) and bragitude (expressing gratitude toward someone for sharing good news) cultivate freudenfreude leading to more meanginful connection