Ads on a Plane

Planes now force you to watch their ads,On the same scale as the flight safety video. The slim chance that an emergency protocol would be needed,Is followed by the statistically significant chance that the ad will influence us towards a brand. The generous abundance of movies, shows, and games will keep the kids entertained and…… Continue reading Ads on a Plane

Categorized as Life Tagged

Good to Discover

Humanity redeemed itself on this seemingly haunted ride
Instead it turned out to be filled of joyful surprises

November 10, 2023

Reading: The Foundation Series, The New Trading for a Living, Galatians Exercising: Gym 2-3x per week (Push, Pull, Plank, Squat), Stretch Practicing: Trading system, good habits (e.g., sleeping early, limiting drinking, chewing food), darts Building: Trading business, a happy home, Enjoy the Process Studying: The New Trading for a Living, ICT 2022 Mentorship Listening: Green noise, White Noise,…… Continue reading November 10, 2023

Categorized as 2023

How a night owl stopped chasing the damn bus

There was this curiosity about what it would be like to be an early bird. There was some mysterious appeal about this other side of life that I could not get in rhythm with.

Categorized as Life Tagged

Number Your Days of Marriage

When we number our days as a couple, then it is easier to appreciate the other in the present moment. When we number our days as parents, we find it more bearable to withstand the challenges of parenting. When we number our days, we know planning for our life ahead is a false expectation and entitlement towards the uncertainty of life.

January 2, 2023

Reading: Money and Power, The Psychology of Money, 7 Habit of Highly Effective People (reread) Exercising: 30 days of morning yoga with Sean Vigue Practicing: Backtesting index futures, darts, good habits Building: Enjoy the Process Studying: ICT 2022 Mentorship Listening: n/a Writing: n/a

Categorized as 2023

November 2, 2022

Reading: Crying in H Mart, How to Win Friends & Influence People, 7 Habit of Highly Effective People (reread) Building: Enjoy the Process, Balzac Craft Brewery website Exercising: Gym 3x per week Studying: ICT 2022 Mentorship Listening: Atmospheric Piano playlist on Spotify Playing: Guitar, League of Legends Writing: TBD Practicing: Habit 2, Begin with the…… Continue reading November 2, 2022

Categorized as 2022