Technology’s Fingerprint on Christian Thought and Culture

A glance at the news and our surroundings will undeniably speak of how much technology[1] has become a central focus and part of people’s lives. The growth of the digital footprint over the past two decades alone has been exponential and shows no sign of stopping. While there have been numerous benefits of technology, society…… Continue reading Technology’s Fingerprint on Christian Thought and Culture

Minimalism: Key to Success of the Early Church

There has been a recent reawakening of an interest towards minimalism. This can be seen by scouring Netflix documentaries such Minimalism: A Documentary About the Important Things or Small Is Beautiful: A Tiny House. Tech leader Apple, Inc. paved the way for flat design, an interface incorporating a minimalist style, which is now standard practice…… Continue reading Minimalism: Key to Success of the Early Church

Personal Beliefs To Date

Below is part of a summer internship application I submitted to get involved with a church I am now attending. I thought it would be cool to document my thoughts on these topics, highlighting what I’ve learned and acquired thus far, before starting school in the Fall, which would probably expand some of these thoughts…… Continue reading Personal Beliefs To Date

Categorized as Faith

What Are We Celebrating?

Three years into marriage and I can confidently say that I love my wife more than the day I met her, more than the day we celebrated the promise we made to one another before God and before others. However, our third year anniversary came at an odd time. It came during a season when…… Continue reading What Are We Celebrating?


Last summer, I had a rude awakening to not only how much weight I had gained, but how much bigger my fat cells grew, particularly around the waist and thighs. While on a family trip, all the shorts I previously owned did not fit and more alarmingly, I bought new shorts which were too tight but comfortably…… Continue reading Hungry

Categorized as Life Tagged

Ashamed of My Father

Looking back at my teenage years, it was such a simple time, yet I also cringe because of how narrow-minded my perspective was on life. Whether it be relationships, future, school, pleasures or struggles, it really is funny how much unnecessary weight we put on these things. It is funny how wise and grown up…… Continue reading Ashamed of My Father