Number Your Days of Marriage

When we number our days as a couple, then it is easier to appreciate the other in the present moment. When we number our days as parents, we find it more bearable to withstand the challenges of parenting. When we number our days, we know planning for our life ahead is a false expectation and entitlement towards the uncertainty of life.

Beautiful House, Ugly Home

I recently moved into a new house. What a journey it has been from the initial far-fetched dream to this new reality. Buying a house has not been the hardest transition in life. Yet, it has certainly brought about significant challenges. Pair that with a marriage tested with one of the hardest challenges of having…… Continue reading Beautiful House, Ugly Home

What Are We Celebrating?

Three years into marriage and I can confidently say that I love my wife more than the day I met her, more than the day we celebrated the promise we made to one another before God and before others. However, our third year anniversary came at an odd time. It came during a season when…… Continue reading What Are We Celebrating?

Confession: I should be on the Ashley Madison list

It was only a few months ago, I remember doing my daily ritual of scanning CNN articles to stay abreast of current news, when I stumbled across a headline that read something along the lines of, “Ashley Madison hack ruined my life”. There was consistent coverage in the summer months to follow related to this…… Continue reading Confession: I should be on the Ashley Madison list

One Year Anniversary

– Dedicated to my beloved wife I realized this process wouldn’t be complete without an explanation of where the motto “enjoy the process” originated from. I’ll save the full story for another time, but basically it was the theme from the beginning of my relationship with my now wife. When we started dating, or what we…… Continue reading One Year Anniversary