Good to Discover

Newborn on a plane, first time flying high
Scared this might be the worst
But it’s not like being on a kite

Sad, frustrated, helpless when she’s crying,
Wondering what can I do to alleviate the pain
How can I make everyone gain

Finding joy with the other one
She knows what to do
Movies, snacking, sketching,
She’s self sufficient, it’s the truth

Most of the pain is inside my own head
Most of the insecurity rests there
Is the man next to them okay
But mommy has the best care

The good in people shines,
A one minute distraction and hold
A blanket covering over her feet
It’s the sweetest thing to behold
and especially to receive

Humanity redeemed itself on this seemingly haunted ride
Instead it turned out to be filled of joyful surprises
I am beginning to know

Don’t get stuck in your own head
Take an honest look around
There’s good waiting to be discovered
It can be found