Things aren’t what they seem

When two feelings are in tension with one another, admitting to the uncertainty leads to greater credibility and grounded confidence. Cognitive Dissonance When you hold two cognitions (such as ideas, attitude, beliefs, or opinions) that are psychologically inconsistent with each other (e.g. cult followers when proven wrong or smokers) Choose courage and being curious over…… Continue reading Things aren’t what they seem

Things don’t go as planned

Boredom An uncomfortable and frustrated state of wanting to engage in a satisfying activity, but being unable to Boredom can lead to greater creativity and imagination Disappointment Highly correlated with unmet expectations There are 2 types of expectations Stealth (unexamined and/or unexpressed) Examined and expressed Greater the expectation, greater the disappointment Regret Usually within our…… Continue reading Things don’t go as planned

You self-assess

Pride Pride is a feeling of pleasure or celebration related to your accomplishments or efforts. It is a positive emotion, that has been tainted by religious language. Hubris Hubris is an inflated sense of your own innate ability. It is related to the need for dominance than to actual accomplishments. Humility Humility is an openness…… Continue reading You self-assess

You feel wronged

Anger Anger is generally an emotion that is not welcomed due to your own discomfort of the emotion. “We all have the right and need to feel and own our anger.” However, anger often masks emotions that are more difficult to name and even more difficult to own. Anger is a catalyst that can be…… Continue reading You feel wronged

Things are beyond you

Awe Awe inspires the wish to let the object of awe shine. You want to stand back and observe. Awe leads to greater cooperation, sharing resources, and sacrifice. It brings greater unity. It allows you to value others, see yourself clearly, and evoke humility. Wonder Wonder inspires the wish to understand. You want to explore…… Continue reading Things are beyond you

Life is Good

Calm The best way to assess if you are calm is to ask, “Do I have enough information to freak out? The answer is normally no. Will freaking out help? The answer is always no.” Gratitude Gratitude is “an emotion that reflects your deep appreciation for what you value what brings meaning to uour life,…… Continue reading Life is Good